Vicana After School Management

An easy-to-use web-based app to run your After School Program.

  • Customers initiated signups
  • Collect the information you need (emergency contacts, doctor contacts, etc.)
  • Integrated with QuickBooks Online
  • Integrated with Microsoft 365, OneDrive and GroupMe
  • Integrated with Box file sharing

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ASM Choose Classes
Enable your company's future
Built with .NET

Includes all the bells and whistles you'll need.

We make it easy by including all of the necessary integrations you need to reduce your workload. Built on Microsoft .NET and hosted in Microsoft Azure, gives you the peace mind that this app is made for the future.


Manage customer and contacts

One location for all your customers. Communicate with customers from within the app via email and GroupMe.


With little effort, connect customers to QBO and create and send invoices from within the ASM app.


Efficiently alert teachers and coaches of attendance and related notes. Easily take attendance on mobile apps and find attendance records.

Microsoft partnership

Built on .NET, hosted in Azure, stores data in SQL Server, single signon wiht Authenticator. Future proof, secure and reliable.



This is not one-size-fits-all! We can do custom integrations, configure fields, customize emial templates and more...


Microsoft single sign one with Authenticator for security. Database backedup in Azure cloud. Hosted in Azure cloud.

Manage your schedule

Structured schedule that students can sign up for and purchase gear and supplies that you required for the after school activities.

Create their own classes and birthday parties. Groups can setup their own classes and share via code with other members for easy checkout.


Reduce your workload with ASM

Mobile attendance tracking.

No duplicate data entry with integration to QuickBooksOnline.

Control remote class attendance and time tracking with geolocation.

ASM Mobile Attendance
By the numbers

Get started now.

We have made it easier to manager your after shool program.


Less time to invoice customers


Find your data quickly

It's your future

Work smarter, not harder. Focus on the program not the bookeeping and organization. We do that for you.

Start today.

Contact us

Contact us

Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Our team will come back to you quickly to help you.